Horizon Captain America Kit Modifications

Last Updated: February 24, 2010 ...

  • New - completed with all photos and text


After successfully modifying the face on the Thor model kit, I felt confident changing the face on the 1990 Horizon Captain America kit. I never liked that stupid grin on his face (photo #1 below).

So as with the Thor model, I used a combination of Squadron White Putty and Bondo Glazing Putty to cover the mouth, as well as the wide muscle furrows on either side of the mouth. I then formed new closed lips, philtrum and mouth muscle furrows, (photo #2 below). After painting the face (photo #3 below), Cap now has the stoic look I associate with a Super-hero !!

Wiping the stupid grin off of Captain America's face.

Per the two photos below, I also rounded-off the tip of Cap's nose, which I deemed as much "too pointy".

Side view ... also shows how I rounded-off the tip of the nose.