Miscellaneous Sketch Cards Gallery

Last Updated: February 25, 2019 ...

  • Page 2a: Added new colored Martineck 2000 AD sketches
  • Page 2b: New Page combining 2000 AD and Vampirella sketches
  • Page 12: Added BUD sketch to complete the JAG characters page
  • Pages 13-14: Two new pages of Star Trek 50th Anniversary: The Original Series sketches

This page contains all of the Miscellaneous and Non-Comics-related sketch cards, i.e. eveything that didn't fit the previous galleries !!

For this web site, I have found it better to scan the entire 9-pocket (a.k.a. page), rather than to put each sketch up as an individual scan. Besides for those of you who know me, I am very obsessive about how my pages are arranged .

Currently I have 14 "full" pages of Miscellaneous and Non-Comics-related sketch cards. Below, I give a brief summary of what is in each page, just to the right of the thumbnail for that page.

Note: Click the thumbnail to open a new window to see a larger-size view of the page.

Thirty Years of 2000AD

Though I never grew-up reading the British comic book '2000AD', back in the mid-1990's, I did read some of them. I was building the set of three Judge Dredd models, so I found a few copies at my local comic shop to use as a painting reference for the models. I did like the Dredd characters. So in late 2008, when I heard that the 'Thirty Years of 2000AD' cards would have sketches by those two "wacky" sketch card buddies, John Czop and Warren Martineck, I decided I had to make a page of their sketches !! As usual, I got carried-away and did three pages .

Table 6: Thirty Years of 2000AD Sketch Cards

2000AD Page1

Page 1: B/W Thirty Years of 2000AD.

This page has 7 Czop's and 2 Martineck's. The first seven are Dredd-related characters. The last two are characters I am not familiair with.

  • Judge Dredd (slots 1 & 7)
  • Judge Andersen (slot 2)
  • Judge Hershey (slot 3)
  • Judge Morits (slot 4)
  • Judge Death (slot 5)
  • Mean Machine (slot 6)
  • Rogue Trooper (slot 8)
  • Johnny Alpha (slot 9)
2000AD Page2a

Page 2a: Colored Thirty Years of 2000AD.

This page has 5 Czop's and 4 Martineck's. All are Dredd-related characters.

  • Judge Dredd (slot 1 & 2)
  • Judge Andersen (slot 3)
  • Judge Fear (slot 4 & 5)
  • Judge Death (slot 6)
  • Judge Fire (slot 7)
  • All 4 Dark Judges (slot 8)
  • Judge Dredd (slot 9)
2000AD Page2b

Page 2b: Colored Thirty Years of 2000AD / Vampirella.

This page has four 2000AD sketches; two by Czop and two by Martineck. All four are 2000AD characters I am not familiair with.

Though I am NOT a Vampirella fan, to help fill the page, I added four Breygent Vampirella sketches from Martineck that I REALLY LIKE !!. When I saw the 'Scarlet Legion' sketch, though I had no clue who the two characters were, it had that look of artwork from 'Classics' comics, and Warren's artwork was fantastic. So though I had no interest in Vampirella Comics, I decided to acquire the sketch. Then later I found three other Breygent Vampirella sketches by Warren to add to the Scarlet Legion one .

  • Johnny Alpha (slot 1)
  • Halo Jones (slot 2)
  • Rogue Trooper (slot 3)
  • Blackblood (slot 4)
  • Vampirella (slot 6)
  • Le Fanu (slot 7)
  • Scarlet Legion (slot 8)
  • Adam Van Helsing (slot 9)


This section contains sketch cards that are not based on comic book characters, but in general are for TV and movie based sci-fi.

Table 7: Non-Comics-related Sketch Cards

Star Trek 35th Page

Page 3: Star Trek 35th Anniversary.

Well, these aren't Marvel sketches, but these are still really nice sketchagraphs, and since I am a Trekkie from my Silver Age childhood, I had to get 9 of the available 17 ST35 sketches.

Notice how I set the theme for this page. In first row, the three main crew members, Kirk, McCoy and Spock. In the next row, are each character's "nemesis" directly underneath. Note that Czop drew sketches for this card series too, with the beautiful Mirror Mirror Spock in slot 6. The third row are the rest of the Czop sketches ... all great renditions of classic aliens.

Czop Voyager Page

Page 4: Czop's Star Trek Voyager sketches.

As I mentioned in my other Galleries, I really like John Czop's art style for sketch cards, so over the years I have picked-up many of his non-Marvel sketches. This page contains:

  • all 5 sketches Czop did for 'Complete Star Trek Voyager' (slots 1 - 5)
  • 2 of the sketches from 'Women of Star Trek Voyager' (slots 6 & 7)
  • Enterprise Season 3 (slots 8 & 9)
Farscape Page

Page 5: Farscape Season 3/4.

As with Star Trek in the 60's, I just love the (though later-canceled) show, Farscape. So when they had sketchafexes with the Season 3 cards, I figured I would collect 9 of them that were landscape-oriented. However, that was not an easy task since only 13 of the 18 were oriented as such. This limited me to getting some of the "rarer" Kubert School Artist variations.

Unfortunately there were no sketches of the two main characters, Chrichton and Aeryn

In Row 1 are three of the "other" main females in the show, as drawn by Czop. The one in slot 3 is the colored case topper for the Season 4 cards.
In Row 2 are sketches of three of the key male aliens. The first two are "common" by artist Pablo Raimondi, but the third is one of the "rarer" and more sought-after sketches from this card series, the Czop Scorpius.
In Row 3 are two of the "rarer" Kubert School Artist variations. In slot 9, I had to settle for an aberrant version of Chrichton.

Stargate SG1 Page

Page 6: Stargate SG1.

As with the Farscape sketchafexes above, I was also into watching Stargate SG-1 (the TV series). So when they had sketchafexes with the Season 5 cards, I figured I would collect 9 of them that were portrait-oriented. Fortunately, unlike the Farscape sketches, it was easier to do since at least 11 of the 18 were "more common", and oriented as such.

Unlike with ST35, instead of having the main characters along the top row, I decided to put them in the first column. And then in each row, I tried to use a sketch that might have pertained to that character. For example, With Col. Jack O'Neill in the first row, I put the Asgard which is most associated with Jack. In row two, Maj. Carter helped to defeat Hathor because Hathor's "charms" didn't work on another woman. In row three Teal'C was originally a Jaffa Warrior and wore that head gear.

My one major disappointment with these SG1 sketches is that none of the artists wanted to draw a sketch of the fourth major character on this show ... Dr. Daniel Jackson ... though admittedly probably not very interesting to draw since he is just a white guy with glasses ? . Representing him (in slot 9) is a creature that Dr. Jackson met and is associated with ... the Unas.

Clone Wars Page

Page 7: Star Wars Clone Wars.

When I heard that Topps was producing sketch cards from the Clone Wars animated series, I wasn't very interested since many of the characters, and esp. villains, were not from the Episode 1 and 2 movies; and the drawing style on the show was very cartoonish. But when I saw that some of the art style was "realistic-looking" I decided to try to put together a 9-pocket of nine different artists and nine different characters, but all the characters had to be from the movies. I wanted Row 1 to have the three main heroes ... Obi-Wan, Padme and Anakin; Row 2 to be Jedi's, good or bad; and Row 3 could be mechanical or miscellaneous characters.

I came close to my goal but had to settle for two Corroney sketches because of the limited number of artists for this series which did "nice" drawings. I would have liked a Kayanan or Dorman, but their sketches are really popular, and thus expensive. The other artists Mhan, Rudish and Tartakovsky were very cartoonish, and I didn't care for those at all. So in an ideal world I would like to get a Kayanan or Dorman, of either Yoda or a battle Droid to replace either of the Corroney ones

Clone Wars Page

Page 8: Star Wars Heritage.

Well, if you read my text above for Page 7, you can imagine how annoyed I was to find out that a few months after Topps came out with the Clone Wars sketches, they then came out with Star Wars Heritage, which mainly focused on the movies, and particularly Episodes 4 - 6 ... the original Trilogy !! If I had known these were coming out I would never had done the Clone Wars ones !!

Anyway, I decided to make a 9-pocket for Trilogy characters, using the same concept as I did for Clone Wars, except that any character that I already had in Clone Wars like C3P0 and Yoda, I would not get again for Heritage. I wanted in Row 1 Luke, Leia and Han; Row 2 main supporting characters; and Row 3 villains. As you can see, I ALMOST accomplished my goal, since I do have 9 different artists, but I could not find a decent sketch of Han . I used Lando to take his place in slot 3, and used a nice Cummens Jawa to fill the page.

LotRM Page

Page 9: Lord of the Rings Masterpieces.

I almost did a sketch page for the earlier LotR Evolution set, but by the time I thought about doing so, the prices for the nicer and/or rarer artists' sketches was too expensive for me. So when I had the opportunity to buy a small lot of these from LotR Masterpieces, which included sketches from artists like Vandersteldt, McKinney and Hernandez, I decided to make a page with mostly main characters.

I anchored the page with the Vanderstelt Frodo in the center, surrounded by many of his Fellowship allies. The page is fairly well-balanced, though the Hernandez Rock Troll(?) throws the page out of balance ?

Note: As of June 21, 2012 I no longer own this page ... it has gone to a collector that would appreciate them more !! As with the Justice League page in the DC Gallery, I am leaving this here for "reference".

Czop Overflow Page 1

Page 10: This page is of Czop "Overflows".

As I mentioned in my other Galleries, I really like John Czop's art style for sketch cards, so over the years I have picked-up many of his non-Marvel sketches. This page are sketches from various non-comics card series that Czop has drawn for:

  • Hellboy Sword & Storms (movie), main characters and zombies (slots 1 - 5) Sword
  • Red Sonja (slot 6)
  • Robots (slot 7)
  • Star Trek: Arts and Images (slot 8)
  • Complete Battlestar Galactica (rare colored Ovion) (slot 9)
Czop Overflow Page 2

Page 11: This page is of More Czop "Overflows".

This page are more sketches from various non-comics card series that Czop has drawn for.

  • In 2011, I was able to find both halves of this Czop Stargate SG-1 2-panel sketch.
  • blank
  • Star Trek Arts & Images, Charlie X
  • Star Trek TOS Portfolio, Mark of Gideon
  • Star Trek TOS Portfolio, Triskelion
Czop JAG Page

Page 12: This page is of Czop JAG sketches.

Czop drew a series of sketches of each of the seven characters from the JAG TV show. Since there were also two checklists showing the seven sketches, I thought it would make a neat page !!

ST50 TOS Page1

Page 13: This page is of Star Trek 50th Anniversary: TOS Crew sketches.

In early 2016, RA celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Original Star Trek Series. Unlike the penciled black and white ones from the 35th Anniversary, most of these were colored and very well done. So I set-out to get one each of the ""main crew". I was not able to do that per ""my standards", so I had to wait until 2018 when RA did a follow-up set for ST50 Captains Collection.

This page has portraits of each of the 7 main crew members, along with two ""classic scenes" involving the crew members:

  • Bergen - Kirk
  • Glebe - Spock
  • Graham - Kirk & Spock, Mind-Meld
  • Glebe - McCoy
  • James - Uhura
  • Allyn - Kirk & Uhura, The Kiss
  • Ragland - Scottie
  • Hall - Chekhov
  • Draper - Sulu
ST50 TOS Page2

Page 14: This page is of Star Trek 50th Anniversary: Miscellaneous sketches.

This page has sketches of villains and supporting characters. Two of the sketches are from the 'Women of Star Trek' release.

  • Allen - Khan
  • Braojos - Khan & McGivers
  • Allen - Mirror Mirror Sulu
  • James - Gorn
  • Cabaleiro - Enterprise
  • Cover - T'Pring
  • Utterstrom - Talosian
  • Molinelli - Bele
  • Cabaleiro - Deela