Rittenhouse Archives Marvel Sketch Card Galleries

RA Marvel header

Last Updated: February 25, 2019 ...
Note: First update since February 2016 !!

  • added 37 RA Marvel sketch cards (aquired over past 3 years) to various Galleries
  • added to / reshuffled pages in Avengers Gallery
  • added to / reshuffled pages in Marvel Comics History Gallery
  • added to / reshuffled pages in Marvel Dangerous Divas Gallery

Marvel Rocks

Many of you who know me well, knows that my main passion within the Marvel Comics Universe comes from the fact that I grew-up in the Silver-Age (SA). So when Rittenhouse Archives (RA) released the Complete Avengers sketch cards in 2006, it was my intent to mainly go after SA characters. But I wound-up getting multiples of characters like Iron man, Thor, etc. so I decided to make a whole page for each of those characters. But instead of 9 sketches of the same character, in some cases, I included other heroes or villains, that were originally associated with that character.

Avengers Logo  Greatest Heroes Logo  Avengers Silver Age Logo

In the first half of 2008, with RA's releases of the Women of Marvel and Invincible Iron Man sketches, rather than try to make standalone pages for those, I decided to merge them with the existing Complete Avengers pages, using themes already established with the Complete Avengers sketches.

In early 2012, RA released the Marvel Greatest Heroes: The Avengers sketches. I got enough of them to make three pages. I put them into the Avengers Gallery.

In mid 2015, RA released the Avengers Silver Age sketches. I mostly got the ones of Martineck's Cover recreations. I put them into the Avengers Gallery.

In late 2008, with RA's release of the Fantastic Four Archives sketches, I merged the two existing pages of FF-related sketches that had been created from CA and WoM, with the new FFA sketches. Though there are not as many characters to deal with as with the Avengers, since the FF was my favorite comics as a kid, I initally had about as many pages for FF as I did for the Avengers .

FF Logo

In mid 2009, RA released the X-Men Archives sketches. I merged the two existing pages of X-Men related sketches that had been created from CA and WoM, with the new XMA sketches. Though I was not a big fan of the Silver-Age X-Men as a kid, I realized their importance in the post-Silver Age Marvel Universe. After studying their history, and with a wide array of popular characters to choose from, I was able to create quite a few X-men themed pages.

X-Men Logo

In late 2009, RA released the Spider-Man Archives sketches. I merged the one existing page of Spidey related sketches that had been created from CA and WoM, with the new SMA sketches. Since my favorite sketch card artists, John Czop, and now Buddy Prince worked on this series, I was able to create quite a few Spider-man themed pages .

Spider-Man Logo

In early 2010, RA released the Marvel 70th Anniversary sketches. I picked-up some of them and added them to the four prior Galleries, but the bulk of these, I put into a new Gallery which could represent History of Marvel. At the end of 2010 I added to this gallery with 100+ Marvel Heroes & Villains sketches. In 2012, RA released the Marvel The Bronze Age sketches, and in 2013, RA released the Marvel Greatest Battles 2-puzzle sketches. I got about 5 pages of each of MBA and MGB, and created two new sub-galleries for them. In late 2014, RA released the Marvel 75th Anniversary sketches. I mainly collected the ones of Martineck's Cover recreations, and created a new sub-gallery for them too. All three new sub-galleries were added to the History of Marvel Gallery.

Marvel 70th Logo  Heroes & Villains Logo  Marvel Bronze Age Logo  Greatest Battles Logo  75th Anniversary Logo

In early 2011, RA released the Marvel: Dangerous Divas sketches. I picked-up some of them and added them to the five prior Galleries, but the bulk of these, I put into a new Gallery which could represent 'Marvel: Dangerous Divas'.

Divas Logo

In late 2011, RA released the Marvel Universe 2011 sketches. Since almost all of the MU11 sketches I got were the ones that dealt with Marvel's Crossover events, I put them into a separate Marvel Universe sub-gallery within the History of Marvel Gallery. In 2014, RA released the Marvel Universe 2014 sketches, which dealt with another set of Marvel's Crossover events. I merged these into the Marvel Universe sub-gallery.

MU11 Logo  MU14 Logo

To view each individual gallery, in the links menu at the top, click on the links under Sketch Cards.